X. San LIANG (Fudan University, China)
Quantitative Causality Analysis, Causality-Aided Discovery, and Causal AI-Based Ocean/Atmosphere Prediction
X. San Liang received his Ph.D. from Harvard University, USA. He has worked at the Second Institute of Oceanography of China's State Oceanic Administration, Harvard University, New York University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, China Institute for Advanced Study/Central University of Finance and Economics, Nanjing Institute of Meteorology etc., and was a team leader of the Ninth Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition. Presently he is Chair Professor in Atmosphere-Ocean Science at Fudan University, Shanghai, and Head of the Artificial Intelligence Group, Southern Marine Laboratory, Zhuhai, China. His scientific contributions are along two major lines: The first is a rigorous formalism of quantitative causality analysis and information flow from first principles; along another line are a series of theories and methodologies, such as multiscale window transform and canonical transfer, for investigating the multiscale dynamics underlying real ocean and atmosphere processes, which are in nature highly nonlinear and tend to be intermittent in space and time.