NPOCE is an endorsed project of WCRP / CLIVAR
News about NPOCE
Sep 14
2024 IOCAS Training Course on Subsurface Mooring Observations Successfully Concluded
The two-week 2024 IOCAS International Training Course on Subsurface Mooring Observations, sponsored by the Bureau of International Cooperation, Chinese Academy of Sciences and the National Natural Science Foundation of China, hosted by the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IOCAS) ...
Science Highlights
Sep 07
Aggregation and transport of microplastics by a cold-core ring in the southern recirculation of the Kuroshio Extension: the role of mesoscale eddies on plastic debris distribution
Ryota Nakajima, Akira Nagano, Satoshi Osafune, Masashi Tsuchiya & Katsunori FujikuraPublished in Ocean Dynamics, August 2024Mesoscale eddies – ocean vortices with spatial scales of tens to hundreds of kilometers and time scales of months to years – are among the most energeti ...
News about NWP
Training Course
NPOCE (the Northwestern Pacific Ocean Circulation and Climate Experiment) program is a multi-national, multi-institutional program, designed to observe, simulate, and understand the dynamics of the NWP (Northwestern Pacific) ocean circulation and its role in low-frequency modulations of regional . . .
Data & resources
ADCP and CTD data were acquired by R/V Science I, supported by the Major Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant 40890150) and the National Key Basic Research Program of China (grants 2007CB411802), under the NPOCE program.
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