Today, the 7th NPOCE webinar themed on ENSO Evolution and Prediction is held successfully on line with over 150 participants from 13 countries joining this event. Rong-Hua Zhang from Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology chaired this webinar with the assistance of the NPOCE office.

In this webinar, three experts present very instructive and systematic discussion and interpretation of ENSO evolution and prediction, especially about the upcoming El Niño conditions expected to gradually strengthen into the Northern Hemisphere winter 2023-24.
Michael J. McPhaden, a senior scientist at NOAA’s Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory and the past present of AGU, whose research interest focuses on large-scale tropical ocean dynamics, ocean-atmosphere interactions, and the ocean’s role in climate, first discusses the Causes and Consequences of the 2020-2023 La Niña, and hypothesizes that tropical inter-basin interactions were instrumental in initiating and prolonging the event.
Then, Recent ENSO Evolution, Forecast, and Coastal El Niño is given by Zeng-Zhen Hu, a meteorologist at the Climate Prediction Center, NOAA/NWS/NCEP, and the former associate editor of the AMS, whose work focuses on ENSO and global ocean monitoring, forecast, and research. He presents the observed features of recent ENSO evolution, and discusses the 2023-24 ENSO forecasts, the uncertainties, and the definition, evolution, and physics of the variety of coastal El Niño.
In the last talk, Rong-Hua Zhang, known as an expert on coupled ocean-atmosphere interactions and numerical modeling, ENSO prediction and predictability, and climate simulations, offers his perspective on Real-time predictions of the 2023-24 climate condition in the tropical Pacific using a purely data-driven transformer model.
Three talks inspire very lively discussion on the upcoming 2023-2024 El Niño and its consequences and challenges for ENSO prediction under climate change. At the end of this webinar, Michael J. McPhaden and Ronghua Zhang suggest holding a continued webinar themed on this topic at the end of this year, when the predicted El Niño reaches its peak month.
Although in-person activities are planning to switch back, the NPOCE webinar series have been attracting a wide range of audience by focusing on forefront of international scientific research in the field of oceanography. To encourage more engagement with diverse scientific foci, we keep calling for convener proposals for the upcoming themed webinar, which can be related to but not limited to the NPOCE five themes. Should you have any inquiries or proposals, please feel free to contact us at