First NPOCE webinar in 2023 Held on International Women's Day
March 08,2023

On a special occasion of International Women's Day, March 8th, NPOCE is hosting its first webinar (6th of webinar series since 2022) in 2023 on the theme of Challenges and Opportunities: small-scale oceanic processes and artificial intelligence. Fan Wang, the chair of NPOCE Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) and convener of this event warmly welcomes all audience and especially two distinguished presenters, X. San Liang and Bo Qiu, both of whom are leading experts in their research field.

Prof. Liang, Chair Professor in Atmosphere-Ocean Science at Fudan University, systematically addresses the theory and application of causality analysis in terms of The Liang-Kleeman information flow, especially its successful application in the scientific discovery of ENSO-IOD relation, South China Sea-excited Pacific/North American teleconnection pattern (PNA), in designing efficient ocean observing network, and in developing intelligent ocean and atmosphere predicting systems (e.g., South China Sea circulation, typhoon), so on and so forth.

Prof. Qiu as a senior member of NPOCE SSC from the University of Hawaii at Manoa gives a talk entitled Oceanic Bi-directional Kinetic Energy Cascades: Theories, Modeling & Observations, which focuses on how nonlinear interactions in the turbulent upper ocean transport kinetic energy (KE) across different spatial scales, including why there exist bi-directional KE cascades, how KE cascades are simulated in high-resolution OGCM models, are the simulated KE cascades supported by in-situ observations, what are the roles of balanced vs. unbalanced oceanic motions on the KE cascades, and so on.

Two lively and inspiring presentations attract 104 view terminals, a new record ever since. For more engagement with diverse scientific foci, we kindly call for convener proposals for the upcoming themed webinar, which can be related to but not limited to the NPOCE five themes. Should you have any inquiries or proposals, please feel free to contact us at

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